
Types of Ticks on Long Island

Long Island is home to 3 different species of ticks year-round with the peak season being from April – October. They are most commonly found in wooded or grassy areas and can easily be brought into your yard from the abundance of wildlife found on the East End of Long Island. See below for more information on the different types of tick species:

Blacklegged or Deer TIck

• Smallest of the 3 types of ticks, ranging from dark brown to black in color

• Can transmit Lymes disease and Babesiosis

Lone Star TIck

• They are a tannish, red color with females having a white spot on their back

• Can transmit Ehrlichiosis, Tularemia, Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI), and Alpha-gal Allergy.

• Alpha-gal Allergy causes an allergic reaction with the consumption of red meat.

American Dog TIck

• Largest of the 3 types of ticks, they are brownish red in color with white to grayish marks

• Can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) and Tularemia

Tick Control Program​

At Long Island Tick Sprays, Inc. we care about you, your family and your beloved pets and do not want to see anyone contract one of the above-mentioned illnesses.

We have found that the best solution for controlling the tick population on your property is with monthly spray applications during the peak season of April – October. When the weather starts to warm up (as early as March) is their reproductive season thus it is key to target them at this time to prevent a large growth in population.

The product that we spray is safe for you and your pets but extremely effective in controlling the tick population. We will work with you to schedule the best day and time for us to come and spray your entire yard. Other companies may focus on the perimeter or wooded areas only, but we have found treatment to be most successful when the product is applied to the entire property.

For more information or to request a quote please


P.O. Box 101,
Hampton Bays, NY 11946

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